Closer to God, closer to each other, closer to the community.
Join us online or in person on:
Sunday 10:30am
Sunday 4:30pm*
*only Zoom
See What’s On page
in some school holidays
Details from rhodespaul360@gmail.com or 07743 683684
You’re so welcome
We look forward to the journey which God is taking us on as a family ensuring we grow closer to God, to each other & the community. We are a friendly congregation with around 40 regular attendees, some on Zoom.
We welcome you to join with us.
Our worship style is a mixture of contemporary & traditional, we seek guidance from the Holy Spirit through scripture, prayer & the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
helping children explore and grow in faith
Every Sunday at our 10:30am service we have activities for children of a range of ages. We welcome children and babies of any age to be a part of our church family. We passionately support our young families and make sure they are included, cherished and supported in those early years.
“Fellowship means sharing and rejoicing together in our faith and encouraging one another.”
Missed a sermon?
Catch up by listening to our latest sermon series online
Listen now ⟶
Reaching the community
We believe in community. Recently a local association has started a community garden at the back of our building. It will hopefully become a place where people can sit, rest and enjoy the garden. In decent weather it might be somewhere to have your packed lunch!

Upcoming Events

The Crucifixion and Resurrection